20 October 2008


Soooo sorry for the long 'hibernation'. Before anything..i hope its till not too late to wish all my blog readers, family n frens... Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri..Minta maaf kirenye ader buat salah n silap..

Reason for the long hibernation simply becauuseee..... apa lagi raya sakan laaaa!!! sbnrnye..takde la sakan mana...saja2 buat sakan..sbb kalu x..mmg takkan rasa raya langsung...

i made some raya cookies..just to have the mood starting...didnt cook much the 1st day of raya.. coz everyone insisted me on making only simple dish..sbb nk pegi beraya umah org lain pastu.

izzah n syirah la best sbb dpt duit raya dr tokpa n tokma die..n pegi jalan2 dgn baju raya baru..hihi..

solat raya di taman, pretty cool...

simple celebration at home

open house pertama - uncle ishak n auntie fauziah

pas beraya gi taman bunga amik gambar..hahhaha..

izzah terima duit raya from pres of malaysian post grad students association of WA

open hse kedua-kak linda..kawan jumpa kat supermarket ;p (sempat lagi kan...)

open hse ketiga- kak nonie..my cyber-pals