Memangla kan kite ni makhluk Allah yg lemah...cuaca berubah sikit je dh x menentu badan kite.. kalu kat Msia org demam, batuk2 sbb kejap2 hujan2..kejap2 panas..
kat sini pun sama..cuma xde hujan laa..tetiba sejuk yg teramat..pastu panas yg teramat..ya Allah..anak2 pun demam aritu..alhamdulillah la xde apa2 yg serious..(im always extra worried when they're sick..yela takut jadi cam izzah dulu)
then i was sick..lepas dh baik..2-3 lepas kene serangan migrain..ya Allah..lamanye x kene migrain...denyut2 kepala ni rase nk terkeluar biji mata...macam2 lagi simptom penyakit yg kene..sakit tekak la, ulcer laa..ermm petanda x cukup multi vitamin x cukup minum air..aihhh..
tapi apa pun syukur la the rest of the family x kene apa2 yg seious..
ok..tukar topik..
most my family n frens are considering to quit their job..some are still hesitant n some thinks is the right thing to do..
personal opinion..if u wanna work at home actually its more challenging...
think of it as this way...u being the nursery care taker n working at the same time..
ive been to seminars and hear from people who have done it..and say its not an easy thing to do..but its really worth it!!..
key word..DISCIPLINE... like one lady nih masa seminar tu, she's an she quit from mana entah n start doing consultation from home..
her routine..pagi- bangun awal siap bfast, bekal anak2..hantar ank sekolah..balik umah kemas2...8-11am..die akan masuk bilik and put a sign on her door saying..mommy's working... after 11- kuwar bilik siap kan lunch amik anak sekolah..sumer pastu layan anak...n i forgot the rest of it..hehe..but she did plan her time well.
but kene disiplin time the end of the day..eventhogh she's tired..but it really pays off that she can be with her kids..watching them eat bfast, lunch n dinner in front of her..and help with their homework..coz usually she's used to going out early morning n come back when her kids are asleep...anak die pun x kenal die..she took the decision to quit bcoz her kids were crying like mad when her maid berenti n masa nk hantar kat klia..merengek nk ikut maid die..hati ibu mana yg x sebak tgk anak lebih prefer maid dr ibu die sendiri...
i have tried biz at home and i tell u its not easy..i really do think my time management sucks, thats the reason i am always on the rush to do all my chores..esp when orders are coming in..but deep inside i believe kalu niat kite ikhlas nk ddk umah n be a btter wife n mother, Allah will help us..
im trying to do better in my time management, coz when i go back to msia..byk plan dlm kepala ni nk expand biz..tapi itu sumer kene bincangg betul2 ngan hubby..sbb takut anak2 terabai..kene plan properly..
to my dear family n frens..good luck in ur biz as a stepping stone to a better life..i pray for the best in u guys..n i will insya-Allah support u in anyway i can..
BM milk loaf
8 years ago
betul tue sue.. bukan senang nak jaga anak dgn keje dlm masa yg sama.. sy nie jaga rizq sorang2 (walaupun duduk dgn family sy), sy tau perasaan tue.. harap2 xlama lg zam dpt duduk sama & sy pun plan nk work from home gak.. xsanggup pisah dgn rizq (& zam.. hehehe).. yang penting kena kuat semangat!!!
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