Assalamualaikum semua,
1st of all...salam ramadhan semua, although its kinda late, but we still have few days before Ramadhan is over..dah hujung2 Ramadhan nih..ermm manfaatkanlah sebaiknye..
One thing about Malaysia and maybe othe countries where Muslim is a majority..we can get access of all tazkirah, and any information on Islam easily..tazkirah di TV and radio, plenty of books for kids n adults in bookshops and many more. For that we should be thankful..IM SERIOUS. Bila dh duduk di negara orang, then u realize how grateful u should be, when everything is so easily access. Halal food, tempat solat i.e musolla and masjid. Tergerak hati ni masa solat kat surau Subang Parade, " Ya Allah senaangnye nk solat." Tak payah pening kepala nk cari masjid n kalu masjid ader pun, tempat wudhu' perempuan punyeeeeeeelaaa jauh..telekung apatah lagi... ader satu pun dah syukur. So bila ader facilities ni dh disedikan untuk kita, alangkah senangnye.....we REALLY should be grateful.
There is the adjustment that we have to deal with, weather, diff people attitude, diff environment. Eventhough its only a year and a half, we could still feel the difference.
Izzah kept referring her house is still at no 14 (perth house)..asik kene ckp je kat die that her new house is no6..alhamdulillah skrg dh ok..all of us were not well when we came back..coughing, cold and increase of body heat..But now..its only left with me n izzah..i can only take mild medication as im lambatla baik..
izzah lak dah berbotol panadol makan tapi x baik2..guess she's still adjusting to the weather..
So now after 35 days in Malaysia, im hoping things will get better for us..dlm segala segi..ameen..
To my family n friends yg x sempat nk jumpa or bitau that we've came back. minta maaf banyak2, wishing Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to all of u,Insya-Allah ader rezeki nanti kita jumpa..either during raya or after ive delivered the baby...
Minta maaf kalu ader tersilap kata n bahasa or even ader terumpat.halal kan makan minum ok.!! That's straight from my heart..
Alrite, have a blessful Ramadhan n a joyous eid everyone..for us this year..everything is wasatiah...hihi, but we're still happy coz this year dpt beraya dgn family in Malaysia..huhu..
BM milk loaf
8 years ago
Salam Sue!! dah pulang ke tanahair rupanya!!
Lama tk jengah blog ni.
Betul kita akan menghargai negara kita setelah berada di tempat org. I miss Malaysia! Aku pun sama..suka malaysia sbb tk perlu risau tmpt nk solat...tu pun ramai yg tk solat kan? sedih...
Selamat Hari Raya utk Sue sekeluarga. Maaf zahir batin.. semoga cepat sembuh!
waalaikumsalam shue..
ha;ah dh balik laa...ha;ah i agree, dh ader facility pttla ramai yg manfaatkan..hopefully things will change in future.ameen.
slm raya utk shue of luck to u shue!!
Selamat hari raya Sue!
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