satay is one of my favourite dish... once, i've eaten up to 15 sticks at one time...(ya Allah...dahsyat kan)..satay haji samuri tau..not the usual one..apparently i like satay hj samuri better than other coz of the nut gravy which tastes better and their satay's are bigger..
but i've heard hubby saying that the satay there isnt as big as they used to be..apparently there was a change of management... uhh...but never mind..still like it anyway...
Since satay here in perth is quite expensive..dlm 8 dollar dpt 6 cucuk je, yelah its not their customary food so we decided to make it our own.
This is my 2nd attempt to make satay. The first time it doesnt taste as good. so i dig up for more recipes and tried this one which was alhamdulillah to me and my hubby's satisfaction.. Syukur alhamdulillah..
Bahan A
450 g daging
450 g isi ayam
sejari kunyit hidup / 1 tsp serbuk kunyit *
250 g gula pasir
4 biji bawang putih *
sejari halia *
2 tbsp biji ketumbar *
1 tbsp jintan putih (cumin) *
1 tbsp jintan manis (fennel) *
2 btg serai *
* Semuanya dikisar
Bahan B1 biji buah keras - tumbuk
1 tsp gula pasir
1 tbsp air
1 tbsp minyak
Semua bahan dicampur bersama
Bahan C8 biji buah keras *
60 g asam jawa
2-3 biji bwg besar (saiz sdhn)*
6 biji bwg putih *
240 g gula
30 batang lada kering * ikut citarasa pedas masing2
2 cawan kacang tanah (digoreng)
2 batang serai - dititik
1 tsp belacan *
3 cawan santan
Sejari Kunyit hidup *
sejari lengkuas - dititik
Cara (Bahan A)
1. Daging cuci bersih dan ditoskan. Potong ikut citarasa masing2.
2. Gaul daging yg telah diptong dengan rempah kisar, gula dan garam sehingga
rata. Perap 2-3 jam, baru dicucuk dengan lidi.
3. Bakar atas tempat pembakar satay/ oven / gril.
4. Renjis dengan bahan B dan bakar sampai garing n masak
5. Hidang dgn kuah sate, nasi impit, timun n bawang.
Cara (Bahan C)
1. Kacang tanah dikisar, jangan terlalu halus.
2. asam jawa diramas dgn 6 cawan air dan ditapis
3. Tumis rempah kisar sehingga garing n enak baunye
4. Masukkan serai n lengkuas titik. Tuang air asam. kacau rata
5. Masuk gula n garam
6. Masuk kacang tanah last sekali dan masak sampai mendidih n naik minyak dgn
api sederhana
7. Masak smpi desired consistency. Simpan semalaman lagi sedap.
Tideous isnt it? haha...yup..biler dah terdesak mmgla rajin wat..especially i was fasting that macam2 la nak makan.. but if im back in msia..i wouldnt guarantee ill still do it.. it depends on demand from my hubby n kids..hehe but anyway..about the recipe..
i halved all the ingredients since i only used half amount of the chicken n meat.(sape lak nk makan kalu wat banyak2 kan..)I didnt have kunyit hidup, so i only used serbuk kunyit. I cooked the satay in the oven n soak the skewers (btg lidi) in water so it wont burnt, but still it got burnt...maybe i shoudlve soaked them longer.. satay taste better when they're i used around 200g of sugar for both kuah kacang n the satay marinate..
During baking the satay in the oven, i drizzle some of the marinate on top of the satay...maybe next time i shouldnt have done that, which resulted the satay to taste a little bit bitter.. n the satay was not shiny like usual.
But overall the taste is there... Alhamdulillah..
BM milk loaf
8 years ago
wow... aku nak cuba nanti..... tp ntah bila... sini nak dpt satay senang....kat kawasan rumah pun ada jual. mcm hang kat sana.... teringin kena la buat sendiri....
haha mmgla mona..kau dah ader dpn mata mula la rase malas je..tapi knowledge yg Allah kasi nk wat satay ni mmg berharga laa..aku syukur dpt ddk sini n tergerak hati nk wat satay sendiri...menambah ilmu di dada hehe
haha mmgla mona..kau dah ader dpn mata mula la rase malas je..tapi knowledge yg Allah kasi nk wat satay ni mmg berharga laa..aku syukur dpt ddk sini n tergerak hati nk wat satay sendiri...menambah ilmu di dada hehe
haahah aku pun penah wat satay skali kt sini..dh tetiba teringin..mana nk cari? at least kt tmpt ko ade la jugak walaupun mahal.kat sini buat sendiri je la..rasanya aku ada satu posting satay kt blog kot..hehe dh lupa laks.Anyway..kita ni dh terdesak baru jadi creative n brani mencuba..kalo kt mesia start keter..siapkan duit je ;-)
Erm..kt sini susah tul nk cari bahan...
haha..shue..i agree...itulah hikmah Allah suro kite ddk negara orang kan...supaya jadik lebih creative n belaja sume mende baru..ha'ah aku ader bc post kau pasal satay tu..cuma aku dah ader resipi ni in hand, saje nk tgk jadik ke x resipi nih..hehe
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