Both my airianis are another year older..Izzah is 4 and Syirah is 2.. and yes another online celebration with families in msia...
Alhamdulilah this time me n hubby managed to make a decoration on the cake..its not actually easy for me coz im not really good in decorating cakes..hubby did most of the decoration..
This year i made a sponge cake..just to try a new recipe actually.. its ok..soft n spongy...but im still looking for a softer n spongier swiss roll yang jual kat kedai tu kan..punyerla lembut n sedaapppp!!!
but i would say the recipe is good enough for me.. i will still use this recipe for my future bakings..
BM milk loaf
8 years ago
Mmm...happy birthday to both airiani's..
Ehmm..ehmm...dah ada ke made in Perth plak?
hahahaha timer kasih auntie nowwa..xpe xpe..kang kalu dah ader..kau org pertama aku bitau kay..hehe
Happy birthday to the Airianis!
happy besday izzah &syirah.. semoga jadik anak yg solehah.. ameen...
p/s- xbuat ke kek oren yg sy kasik tue???
happy belated birthday to both arianis
bila diorang punya actual date sbnnya?
terima kasih auntie2 sekalian..
ameen pada doa yang diberi..
nik : insya-Allah nnti cuba bila
dah jumpa esen oren yg halal..aritu cari2 x jumpa..inipun kek sponge oren..tapi x guna esen..tapi kalu ader esen lagi sedap rasenye..sbb rase oren tu x kuat sgt..xpe..dh cuba nnti saya bitau..
marisa : syirah 25/4, izzah 30/4 beza 5 hari je..kecik2 ni leh la wat skali..besar nnti mesti demand nk celebrate asing2...
Sue... besday syirah sama ngan besday anak kerel yg ke-2.. kakak die marisa lak 29/4 izzah lahir a few hours after her rasanye..
Anyway, aku sungguh teruja tengok decor cake tu.. Tahniah Aidil! Kalu aku dah tak jadik gambo rasanye.. mau jadik abstrak..hahha
ahaks..yeke eliza..laa x sangka lak serupa birthdate diorang.. mesti celeb bday sama2 jugak kan..
hahaha aidil yg volunteer nk wat..kalu aku wat pun x jadi gambo.dari lion..mesti jadi beruk agaknye..hahahah
wah... terrernya buat cake gamba lion!! nanti balik claim gift from Auntie ayu yek... ^_^
haha ni byk nk claim nih...mak die pun nk claim tote bag jugak hahaha...tamak sungguh!!! hehe boleh la kan k ayu..setahun sekali..hik hik
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