Still about izzah's kindy..
There's this thing called parent helper..where they encourage parents to come to school and spend time with their children and other kids in the class.
I went twice already, once was last term, and the second was on the 5th june.
Parents are encourage to stay around few hours during the morning session and they can go back anytime as they please..
im happy with this approach, coz i can actually see what is actually happening in the the teacher teach the children, in which i can adapt it myself in teaching izzah at home..
and its becouse of this program that i understand why kids love school so much..
what did i do during that time??
the teacher would introduced me to the kids in the morning and i would basically help the teacher's assistant to do anything there is need to do with their activity that day..
its either helping the kids to do painting, or playing with them, assisting them to go to toilet..anything at all..and it is during this time i can voice my opinions and chat with her teacher about izzah's progress in school and their activities in lovely!!
the list of things the children did that day..
izzah was always happy when im around, and keep telling her teacher n her friends
"thats my mum..thats my mum.." waaah bangga nyerr!!!
I love this parents helper thing so much that i volunteered again next month..hehe..
my hubby told me..suka la tu..nanti kat msia..mesti sibuk nak masuk PIBG sekolah...
hahhaha yeke..nak masuk ke??? heheheheh macam nak je!!! izzah malu x agak2..have to ask her before i join anything...some kids just hate the publicity..
BM milk loaf
8 years ago
bestnye kalu mcm tu kat sini kan.. kita bole tengok pekembangan anak kita...
ermm tulah..mmg satu experience yg x ternilai..kat msia ni entahla ader ke x program camni..mudah2an aderla kindy yg wat camni..
Sue!Vote 4 Aidil..kau mmg akan active PIBG sekolah..hehe..silap2 Puan Setiausaha ke..hihih
Yup!Best tul experience kau tu.Sebab baguslah mak bapak boleh tengok progress anak kat school kan & maybe bley adapt apa utk ajar kat umah plak.
For Aidil, all the best.Aku dah habis master dah.........yuuuuuuuuuuuhuuuuuuuuu!
Sue... bestnya..... lain sunggub ye cara kat sana dgn kat sini....
Sue.. masa aku kat US dulu.. one of my favourite memory was in kindy.. mmg best.. rasa macam dok umah jer but with lots of friends.. we were taught fun things like baking cookies & cupcakes, planting flowers, taking care of pets besides learning the basic ABC and reading.. yang paling best selalu ada activity kat luar (in the playground or yard) and gi trips to the local zoo or park.. I wish my children will get the same experience like i did.. Kindy should be fun and not stressful!
nora : hahaha..kau jgn..gile kuasa aku nanti..haha tapi cam best je pn setiausaha tu..kahkahkah..haha thanx nora..last paper ni yg paling tension sbnrnye..
mona: mmg lain..selain dedikasi cikgu die, dedikasi parents pun amat aku kagumi..sanggup spend time ngan anak2 diorang..kadang tu ader yg bawak skali anak2 yg kecik spend time ngan kakak/abang diorang..
eliza : yes eliza..mmg itu sumer pun ader izzah buat..aritu ader wat gingerbread man..kasi hadiah masa mothers day..maybe ader kat msia..cuma mungkin x banyak..kene carikla..
ada sue.. my niece Suraya masuk smart reader masa 5 yrs old n now 6 yrs old masuk little caliph.. mcm2 diaorg wat.. smart reader x best sgt tp little caliph best. ada gardening, baking etc.. so bila balik bole usha 'k.
oohh thanx alot nana..mmg i ader usha little reader is the second choice actually..thanx again nana!!
little caliph kat mane ek? mesti ada ajar agama gak kan? Hehhe... macam la hazyq dah beso sgt nak anto gi school...
eh ok la eliza..usha dr skrg..nk masuk tadika skrg pun kene daftar cepat nnti xde tempat..sama macam sekolah..aku ni pun dh nk start email2 kat tadika ni..kau leh google littlecaliph..ader website..islamic background.n teaching in english as well kalu x silap aku..
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