Alhamdulillah, gratitude and praise to Allah for all He had given us including the one growing in my womb right now..
this is actually the picture of the face n body..
As with other new experience ive had, the experience of getting pregnant here is just as exciting as others.
ermm mana satu nk mula..hehe okla memula masa nk confirm pregnancy tu with the GP, (GP tu is actually a normal doctor like the one we have in msia..kat klinik2 biasa tu..yg xde specialise in any area..)the normal way of confirming pregnancy is thru urine test, which is +ve alhamdulilah..i was already 9 weeks..and on the next checkup, she told me my body was very low in iron, as iron foods was meat, chicken, milo drinks..i was waaayyy off that kinda food, i was only eating eggs and kicap..milo x suka, daging x suka, sumer x suka..telur n kicap je suka..haha and so i had to take multivitamin with iron as my supplement..kalu x cuma makan folic acid je dh cukup said the GP
after 2nd checkup with the GP, she said i should continue my check-ups with a midwife, orang melayu panggil bidan..haha i think its common to have midwives in western countries like aussie, midwives here are professional, just like a nurse in a hospitals..only they specify in maternity stuff.
so my checkups will only be with the midwives..unless i have complications, then would i see the gynae doctor..
for normal checkups i will only see the doctos at 5, 7 and 9 months..if everything is ok, meaning no complications of any delivery too will be done by the midwife.
so far i have had only 1 scan, when i was in my 5th month..not done by the doctor/midwife but by a radiologist..haha ala pakar bahagian2 x-ray sumer ni..pegi kat die la..die gelek2 perut aku ngan mende ultrasound tu..lama pulak tu..he took measurements and we saw the baby in so many diff angles..ya Allah..what an experience..
kalu kat msia everytime jumpa dr delaila..mesti kene scan..which last only 2-3 min..monitor pun kecik siap ngan TV lagi kite leh tgk baby tu in wide-flat screen monitor..wuuhuuu..izzah was so excited to see the baby..
oh ye, the best part is masa 1st time jumpa midwive die many stiches did u had? i was like..huh?? how many?? sorry i dont have any idea..they just cut me..;P
rupanye dekat sini no stiches is necessary if the opening is good enough for the baby to come out..and if cutting is required, they will ask the patient's permission 1st before doing so..BEST GILERRR!!!
some stories ive heard from frens delivering here..dlm delivery room tu,satu family leh masuk..older kids can even see the baby being delivered..hahaha DOUBLE BEST GILERRR!!!(err ke budak tu nanti fobia bila tgk..haha)
pastu the midwife will visit us kat umah after delivery to check on us, for 5 days to be exact after delivery..TRIPPLE BEST GILERRR!! xyah laa nk jalan2 kuwar masa minggu pertama pantang tu nk jumpa docktor kat klinik..
but i dunno whether i have the opportunity to deliver here/not, dlm hati ni nk je rase..tapi cam x sempat je..xpelah..msia pun ok jugak kan!!
hehe so thats the BIG story nora, tekaan mu benar belaka my fren, kau mmg terer!!..sorry for the late kat msia tau dulu la before korang tau..hehe
BM milk loaf
8 years ago
bestnyee dpt baby baruuuu!!! nak gakkk! :P
ahaks insyaAllah jaja punyer thn depan..hihi..x pun skali ngan noni nnti..ameen...
congrats sue.. made in perth jugak sorang... due biler???
ala kaksue deliver la kat perthh.. bole dpt citizen sane kan? hahahaha yo yo je. hopefully kak sue balik nanti naik flight okla eh.. jgn lupe pakai mask eh g airport bahaya influenza skg..isk.. tibe2 tuka topik la kan..hehe
nik : alhamdulillah..insya-Allah 2-3 bulan lagi..
nonie : aihh mmg terliur nk bersalin sini, tp cam x sempat je..tulah mudah2an everything ok on-flight nnti n masa arrive..tkt kene kene quarantine je kene pakai mask ke??
SURIANI KASSIM!! Ni maknanye ko dah preggie lama la??
Awat tak bagitau awal2 seh.. tak nampak pun perutnye? Yeay... ada gak anak kite yg sebaya nanti.. hehe
CONGRATS to both of u! Girl ke boy?
Aku dulu ada hati nak baby made in australia masa nak honeymoon dulu tapi by da time ke sana, aku dah preggie Hazyq.. hehehe
Eh, lupe lak nak cakap... aku dah berbalik kepada Dr. Siti.. heheh
Aku rasa time preggie kan kite ni emosi so perlukan org yg motherly and lembut orgnye.. Yg lagi buat aku pilih Dr.Siti are the nurses.. the nurses yg bawah die very lembut and baik unlike Dr. Delaila punye yg kasar and mcm die gak kurang PR..
eliza...hahahah amacam surprise aku?? menjadi ke x? plannye dh balik msia baru nk bitau sumer mulut ni x tahan laa..;p
perut aku? ermm aku ni sejak dahulu kala ngandung perut x pernah besar..anak aku sumer kecik2mak nye kan main lagi makan..tapi anak2 cam tu gak la saiznye..3kg je beratnye..
ermm..dr siti ek?? should i change to dr siti this time?? akan ku pikirkan nanti..
nonie, diorang dh tarik dh automatic citizenship tu, unless parents to ade PR then baru anak lahir aussie dpt auto citizenship..
Aku kena KOMEN la kan?Sebab aku mesti teka betul..hahahha...
Nanti nak bagitau Pujah...
Still,the 3rd one sama gak ngan anak dia no 3 kan?
Hahahah..terrorla Suriani...
hahahaa kena la nora..kau yg paling kuat meneka..tepat lak tu..!!! haa bitaula pujah ngan aizah..ala rezeki la nora sama ngan pujah..aku pun x sangka..
Eloo.. ko tak jawab pun girl ke boy?
Ke ni pun nak surpirse gak?
Nora.. camne ko boleh meneka ek? ko buat kajian lagik eh? heheh
oii relax aaa...aku terlupa laa..x tau jantina lagi laa..xpe mana2 pun ok..asal sihat..
Hahahah....kelakarla Elyza ni...
Sue.... Tahniah!!! Wah.... dah no. 3.... wow... menarik betul citer kau bersalin kat sana....yg best tak yah cut tu. kawan ofis aku bersalin kat damansara specialist anak 1st n 2nd tak kena potong. dia tak pernah rasa semua tu. best kan? agaknya ikut doktor kot.
tapi yg no. 3 tu... aku lepas bersalin kat kedah ni.... balik je dr hospital.... esoknya terus bidan kampung datang naik motor.... pas tu selang berapa hari datang lagi.... pas tu datang lagi... dan lepas seminggu dua.. datang lagi.... dia siap cek jahitan kat bawah tu.... eeiiii tak leh imagine.
nora.. aku pun perasan sue asik amik gmbr cover perut je.. pastu mcm gain weight sikit.. tapi xnk la tegur..terdetik dlm ati je tapi xluahkan.. hehehe.. nak peknen gak!!!
tahniah.....nak dpt bb baru....
Sue!! Tahniah!! wah...tumpang happy kawan2 preggie..ko, elyzz, kiah..haa sape lagi yg aku tk tau tgh preggie ni...huhu..
aku ni kan terlepas byk event..korg kawin..first baby..sedor2 aku jumpa korg dh 2-3 org dah..hurm..
Bila exact time u all balik Malaysia? Apa pun have a safe journey ok!
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