the other day..izzah's got a small scratch..izzh selalu je dpt scratch yang x dpt dipikir dek akal kat mana kene...
so i went inside the room thinking of putting minyak gamat on her hand...
sekali tu, tengok minyak gamat tu dah beku....!!!!
YA ALLLAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Terus gelak tgk minyak tu beku...sejuk sgt smpi minyak pun beku...last2 korek2 la sikit sapu kat tangan izzah...
izzah pun heran naper mama die asyik tergelak je masa sapu minyak kat tgn die..
sorry if this seems normal for any of you..but not for me..all that's happened here is always new to me.. the wheather..the wind blowing, the people..everything... totally new for me.. yelah mana pernah ddk luar negara sblm bear with me ek..hihi
31 July 2008
punyerlaaa sejuk
Posted by SuE KasSiM written at 11:28 PM 7 comments
30 July 2008
1 more week to my brother's wedding, im having mixed feeling here in perth.
Im happy that we're getting a new family member n that insya-Allah izzah n syirah will get more cousins..but mostly im sad that i cant join the wedding...:(
im sad that i cant help my mom
im sad that i cant boss my brother around to do all the chores
im sad that i cant see all the preparations of putting up the pelamin and all
im sad that i cant help everyone to do spring cleaning like we always do everytime there's wedding
im sad that i cant take pictures with my family and my brother with her wife in their wedding outfit
im sad that i cant see what presents they get..
im sad that i cant meet all my relatives and be in the chaotic event of the wedding
there...ive said it...lega sikit rasenye..
to go home means having to make a lot of decisions.. and i have made my decision not to go home with valid reasons...which were done after a lot of prayer, doa, thinking, and discussion with my hubby..
so to get rid of all this going to call often so that i'll know what's going on..the last minute preparation n on the wedding itself... manala tau maybe i can lend some advice or opinions thru the phone, and ive asked my bro, zaili to tape everything in video...i dun want to miss a thing.. plus pictures from my eldest bro who is the wedding's photographer, n if possible to be online on the wedding day itself
I pray to Allah that everything will be smooth..ameen...
picture taken on aidlfitri 2006, i was 4 months pregnnt with syirah..
Posted by SuE KasSiM written at 3:17 AM 4 comments
more accounting subjects
Its been 2 days since the semester started, hubby is more worried this semester since subjects taken are more difficult..judging from the amount of textbooks bounght and its thicknes..(errkkk seram jugak tgk textbook acctg nih..)
My routine will also start to prepare lunch n dinner on-time, macam kantin sekolah je rase kan...kene siapkan makanan on-time untuk budak2 sekolah..hihihi...
tapi ni studentnye sorang je...yang buat kecoh,,sapa lagi si izzah n syirah laahh... time masak laa yang sorang ni nangis..yang sorang ni mintak tu mintak ni...yang kite ni berkejar nk make sure lunch kene siap either sebelum hubby pergi atau balik kelas..isk isk...betul2 menduga perasaan dan kesabaran..hehehe..
anyway, i pray that everything will be smooth this semester, and hope to give the best support to hubby as possible, ameen.
izzah likes to play outside with her set of new toys, yg sebenarnye kene main kat pantai...tapi pantai x sampai lagi, main pasir kat umah je la jawabnye..alt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5228492599478672002" />
the other when she was so excited digging, she found a worm wiggling... i told her that's a worm izzah..being izzah, tak menjerit x geli pun..tengok je...amazed at Allah's creation!!
Posted by SuE KasSiM written at 1:03 AM 4 comments
27 July 2008
Cuti2 di Perth-Taman Whiteman
Destinasi cuti2 di Perth untuk cuti semester kali ini berakhir di Taman Whiteman, sebuah kawasan piknik terkenal di utara Perth..
Kunjungan kami kali ini adalah dengan satu hasrat...ingin menaiki kuda yg sering dilihat didalam iklan dan pamplet.
Si ibu sungguh teruja ingin ke Taman Whiteman dan sibuk memerah otak untuk menu bekal yang hendak dibawa ke situ memandangkan menu paling mudah iaitu apa2 yang berkaitan roti sudah kehabisan, sampai ke mimpi-mimpi mikir apa nak buat utk bekal..
Alhamdulillah selepas solat subuh...petunjuk Allah telah memberi idea kepada si ibu utk menyiapkan bekal utk keluarganya..
Perjalanan ke Taman Whiteman mengambil masa lebih kurang 20-30 minit, setibanye di sana, si isteri terkejut,"waaahhh ramainyer orang tengah piknik, siap bawa basikal lagi utk anak2 main". Orang Aussie mengambil peluang utk memanaskan badan di bawah sinaran matahari dikala cuaca dingin dimusim sejuk ini.
Setelah pergi ke beberapa tempat didalam Taman Whiteman, tempat seterusnya adalah menaiki kuda yg merupakan tujuan utama kami ke situ. Bila ditanya ke 'Visitor's Information Centre', jawapannye.." We're so sorry, we dont do horse ride anymore ..but you can always go for our tram tour.."
Cehhh..hampeh!!! detik si isteri.. Jadi di situlah berakhirnye hari di Taman Whiteman. Hasrat kami tidak kesampaian.. hmm :(
didlam tram
si suami dan anak sulung izzah bersama ranting kayu (hobi terkini izzah adalah mengumpul setiap ranting kayu yang dijumpai..hehehe)
whiteman tram
cuba teka bekal apa yang aknirnye dibuat oleh si ibu?
Di motor museum
Kereta pink?? OOoo si isteri belum tergamak lagi nk bawak keta kaler pink..!!
Izzah seronok kene belanja lollypop dari papa..
Posted by SuE KasSiM written at 3:07 AM 6 comments
13 July 2008
Condolence to my friend's grandmother..i called her by the name umi, she died in Makkah on 6th june 08, semoga rohnye dicucuri rahmat..dan di ringankan segala azab kubur..
bukan apa..other than my own grandmother, i've known umi for quite some time..sometimes she was around when i came to my friends's house..siap asyik tersalah je panggil suriani asyik jadi je die panggil mariani...she even know about all my love life. Since i left school i dun see much of her, but her memory is still in my mind..n still know her conditions from my friend.
so to nik, be brave n be strong, i know its not easy to lose one of loved ones..
p/s this post suddenly reminds me of my nenek!!..nek, nanti balik msia,chun jumpa nenek ek...uwaaaa rindu nyee!!
Posted by SuE KasSiM written at 10:29 AM 0 comments
06 July 2008
Cuti2 Perth- Pekan Fremantle
Sebelum tiba ke perth, nama fremantle telah pun didengar oleh si isteri.Sepupunye asyik berkempen menyuruh beliau pergi ke salah sebuah restoran disitu..Malangnyer.. si isteri telah terlupa nama restoran tersebut..alangkah ruginye...
Naik kapalterbang pun, iklan di dalam kapalterbang asyik mengatakan tentang fremantle.Sampai di perth pun rakan si suami asyik bertanyakan 'dah pergi fremantle ke belum'.'Hmm....apa yg best sangat fremantle nih'.. detik si isteri diruang kalbunyer...
Keterujaan( eh betul ke ejaan ni, hehe..lantakla) si isteri itu di beritahu kepada si suami, dan si suami memberitahu supaya bersabar dan menunggu sehingga beliau cuti semester.
setelah pergi ke fremantle, ternyata tempatnye menarik kerana ia merupakan petempatan pertama bagi rakyat di west australia kebanyakan bangunan nyer terdiri dr bangunan lama dan banyak sejarah telah dibina di bandar ini.
di hujung suami berkata." okla...fremantle is not that bad..bleh la bwak family dtg sini jalan..
kewujudan awal kuda merry-go-round yg diperbuat dr kayu
kilang coklat fremantle
penjara fremntle..izzah tu sempat lagi amik ranting kayu..
pelabuhan fremantle
Posted by SuE KasSiM written at 2:06 AM 5 comments
03 July 2008
Time for jabs
curtin clinic..
Izzah finally make use of her time waiting for the doctor...which finally she became too creative and started to peel the poster finding it was glued using a plastercine. From reading the poster, her concentration now is glued towards peeling off the plastercine...(hehehe)
after a loud cry of two jabs, izzah was given a lollypop for a treat by the nurse
plus a sticker to boost her confidence that jabs were nothing...;)
Actually, there were lots of jabs to be taken by two of my girls..personally tak sampai hati nak suro diorang take the jabs.but its important for their health. and its a compulsory here in perth.
memang byk jabs yg kene amik. such as pneumococal vaccination, kat perth dah wajib, kat msia still optional coz its costs a lot. byk lagi laa..
tapi satu je yang beza dr msia..kat sini all jabs are free...covered by australian govt.. the govt wanted a healthy community living under them.. and what about us in msia?? its not even standardized among the hospitals..
Posted by SuE KasSiM written at 1:50 AM 3 comments
a small feast at karawara
We invited few friends for a small feast, simply because one of them are going back to msia and dun know when we're going to meet them again coz they're staying in jb which is quite far from where we're staying.
And others are just for a get-together since hubby is on his semester holidays..
we wanted to invite more new friends but maybe next time.
i'm sure you're wondering, amende karawara tuh...itu nama tempat kitaorang tinggal.. pelik sket kan nama die..
our old friend from uia matric, Q (yes pronounce as 'kiu'- mana la idea dpt nama camtu..nama sebnr xde pun huruf Q, ppl say he's the legend here in perth since he's been staying in perth for many years now n nows all the whereabouts in perth
nana and her son haris..
home-made soto, popiah, choc and fruit cake
Posted by SuE KasSiM written at 1:12 AM 4 comments