Its been 2 days since the semester started, hubby is more worried this semester since subjects taken are more difficult..judging from the amount of textbooks bounght and its thicknes..(errkkk seram jugak tgk textbook acctg nih..)
My routine will also start to prepare lunch n dinner on-time, macam kantin sekolah je rase kan...kene siapkan makanan on-time untuk budak2 sekolah..hihihi...
tapi ni studentnye sorang je...yang buat kecoh,,sapa lagi si izzah n syirah laahh... time masak laa yang sorang ni nangis..yang sorang ni mintak tu mintak ni...yang kite ni berkejar nk make sure lunch kene siap either sebelum hubby pergi atau balik kelas..isk isk...betul2 menduga perasaan dan kesabaran..hehehe..
anyway, i pray that everything will be smooth this semester, and hope to give the best support to hubby as possible, ameen.
izzah likes to play outside with her set of new toys, yg sebenarnye kene main kat pantai...tapi pantai x sampai lagi, main pasir kat umah je la jawabnye..alt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5228492599478672002" />
the other when she was so excited digging, she found a worm wiggling... i told her that's a worm izzah..being izzah, tak menjerit x geli pun..tengok je...amazed at Allah's creation!!
BM milk loaf
8 years ago
bestnya Izzah.... dapat explore semua2 tu..
Anak aku lak.. si Hakimi tu.... jenis penggeli.. ikut aku kot.
go izzah!!.. mcm aisya gak.. jenis tak takut mende.. heee...
hahaha...bagus2 ade geng...biasala izzah..nnti besar leh masuk explorace sesama..syirah tukang sorak jelah jawabnye...!!
mona..besar nnti si kimi tu baru tunjuk la tu kejantanan die...xpe byk masa lagi..hihi
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