One of my airianis is not well..she has been in fever for one week and towards the end of the week, she complains that her knee is in pain. She currently got tough time walking. Deep down its breaks my heart and hard for me to see her move, struggling for to find her steps of walking.
The first few days was very hard for us. I was worried all day long, couldnt sleep well or even do anything whole-heartedly for that matter. i didnt know what i cooked for iftar, will cook any simple dish just to eat n break the fast.
Hubby is having his mid-term exam every week for this month, its much more confusing for him as to choose between his studies and his daughter. Subjects are tougher this semester thus more concentration is needed, and at the same time izzah was also a priority. The dilemma has taken us both in misery and confusion.
At this difficult time, we seek the His help to give us stregth, confidence and patience to face the days ahead of us. We truly believe, that test was given to us to make us a better person and a better believer.
And alhamdulillah after much doa, solat, advice from our parents and family, we regain our confidence and determined to look this positively and help izzah to get back to her feet.
And so, i welcome all suggestion and advice on from all of you on anything to help improve izzah's walking and help her to run. Massage, medication anything..
And nevetheless in this blessed month of Ramadhan, please do include izzah in your she can get better.. ameen..
BM milk loaf
8 years ago
semoga izzah cepat sembuh.. jaja rasa dia sakit rindu kot? :D takpe, jaja doa izzah cepat sembuh n ceria seperti biasa.. amin
ameen ja..rindu nk tgk die lari.. haha..demam rindu tu salah satu drpnye rase..tu yg abang wat emergency call ke msia arituh..hehe
YA Allah Sue... aku tak tau pun Izzah demam sampai tak leh jalan. kesiannya. Apa puncanya? Alhamdulillah Izzah dah leh jalan....
haa tula mona..xpela..nk citer puncanye tu cam panjg..nnti aku email kau..
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